Friday 19 October 2007

October 15th to 17th, 2007 MONTEREY

The self guided walking tour of Monterey is worth taking, with murals, sculpture, historic buildings, wildlife and, of course the obligatory fishing boat. Also, we took in the Maritime Museum and went to see the film "Elizabeth the Golden Age". All in all a very busy day.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of the best we have ever seen. The fish were hard to get pictures of as the light was poor and they moved too much. I did get these OK shots of a Tiger Shark and Sunfish (one ugly fish). Sandra is pictured in the wave action tidal pool exhibit. You really feel you are going to get wet. She also touched a Sea Rey in the touching pool. I finally got my Sea Otter pictures, but had to take over 50 to get these two. They seldom are still and I did not want to have any of the man made features in the shots. The jelly fish were perfect models, with great colours and slow movement.

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